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KiwiSaver Transfers


Built for the New Zealand based KiwiSaver system, it applies the AS4 Transport Protocol for the transfer of Member money between Funds.  This is currently a highly manual process.


To accommodate this:

  • Oban has set up a cloud-based AS4 Message Hub to facilitate Fund-to-Fund transfers based out of Sydney
  • Each Fund participant has the 'Oban Key' (AS4 windows service) deployed on their premises
  • Transfer Request messages are sent between the sending and receiving parties
  • Transfer Transaction messages are then send back to the originating party


Automation is achieved by the Source Fund programmatically dropping a file (message) into a pre-configured 'Oban Key' folder which is then securely and reliably sent to the Message Hub which in turn is passed onto the Target Fund.


Because this is an AS4 solution, the next logical step would be to facilitate Trans-Tasman transfers/rollovers between Australian and New Zealand Funds.  Note, the latest changes to the Rollover Message Implementation Guide (MIG) now caters for rollover transactions between Australian superannuation funds that contain a KiwiSaver component.